Everyone, please if you know of anything specific, (ahem toxic waste barrels) report it to the EPA immediately!
to get to the point straight away i think the crane accident that occurred at warwick was a significant catalyst that has caused the org.
to change its plans suddenly.. list of assumptions, not all of them are validated.
- there was a serious crane accident that occurred at warwick approx.
Everyone, please if you know of anything specific, (ahem toxic waste barrels) report it to the EPA immediately!
jw's are not allowed to vote for political parties etc, but what about the vote, probably during 2016, to decide if the uk should leave the eu?.
the w99 11/1 qfr on voting saysthere are clear principles set out in the bible that enable servants of god to take a proper view of this matter.
however, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself...what, though, of voting in political elections?
Who cares? I'm still an active JW and I registered last year to vote. I've been endorsing, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Trump and if either of them get he nomination I'll vote for them.
Vote, play the lotto, smoke. Just live.
according to the guardian, the confucius peace prize has been awarded this year to one robert gabriel mugabe.
yes, you read that right.
i suppose i could've put this thread in either the entertainment section or joke section instead.
Nelson Mandela? You can't be serious. Do you know anything about the ANC and such?
My family owned a large farm and some apartment rentals in South Africa before the apartheid ended. Fortunately, they foresaw what was inevitable and managed to sell off their real estate holdings and the farm before it ended. In the early 2000's they returned to SA to visit family and see how the new farm owners were faring. Sadly it didn't work out too well for the next owners who were also South African and decided to stay there. The farm was put back on the market and sat there for years as the market collapsed. Eventually, the state "acquired" the property through adverse possession as they claimed back taxes and other nonsensical lies. It was then planned to be turned into a community farm to feed the poor. Again, that didn't work out too well. The farm property is abandoned and I believe still sits desolate to this day.
As far as Mugabe, that low IQ imbecile who said in 2014 - "No whites can own land in Zimbabwe" and then changed his mind just one year later and is now begging white farmers to return- he can go to hell.
The last good leader or politician? JFK. And they killed him.
a pair of devout jehovah's witnesses have been ordered by a b.c.
provincial court judge not to talk about religion in front of their four-year-old granddaughter.. the couple lost their bid for unsupervised access to the girl because they insisted on taking her to worship at their faith's kingdom hall despite the repeated objections of the child's mother.. the girl is identified only as a.w.
You beat me to it! Just got the link in an email! This is GREAT NEWS!
the wt society is fond of using the tilt-up method of construction where a network of rebar is made on the ground, concrete poured on it and allowed to cure, then the whole thing is tilted up and voila' you've got yourself a massive big-ass wall ready made.
these walls for several stories-high buildings are indeed massive and weighty so you need a heavy-duty crane to raise into position.. i just heard from an eye-witness ldc volunteer that while there a few weeks ago they had an enormous accident.
the crane tilted and crashed, the only one hurt was its operator.
special pioneers let go.
bethel workers laid off.
construction halts, what's next?
continuing a topic that is dear to my heart because of my experience as both a shunner and a shunnee .... some people seem to get very agitated when i talk about the responsibility people have to make the right choices and that despite all the wrongs within the wts, people themselves have a role to play and some personal responsibility for the experience.. notice i said "some" responsibility, not "complete" - this doesn't absolve the wts for the things they do wrong in any way shape or form.
so please don't get argumentative about possible meanings and absolutes - of course the wts has a significant role to play but we need to decide what we're trying to achieve here and why the personal choice is so important.. i'm also not talking about actual crimes that the wts should answer for.
if they cover up child abuse for instance, they absolutely should be reported immediately.
we are more than familiar with the wts rules that say the d/f'd ones , even close relatives outside the home are to be shunned completely "not even saying a greeting" except in very exceptional circumstances.
there is ,however, a line of thought that reasons on jesus' words at matthew 18 ,regarding personal disputes,and their application of it to being disfellowshipped.. matthew 18:15-17.
15 moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.
background information.
i myself am in full fade mode with an overly active jw wife, who refuses to discuss any point whatsoever.
a friend who is not a jw nor has ever been a jw; he studied for a few months, then realized what an evil cult it is and stopped.
@Virgo- Yeah that seems to be the commonality in these cases. Makes me so angry. It's always "let's keep it quite because we don't want to bring reproach upon "Jehovah's holy name."
The worst is when I hear an elderly sister or brother say, "oh let Jehovah deal with [X-situation] in HIS own time. Jehovah will take care of things" Yeah, it's become quite apparent that either "Jehovah" doesn't give a sh*t or he's dead. So many of these cases should have been exposed by "Jehovah" the day this sh*t happened, not 20 YEARS LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
background information.
i myself am in full fade mode with an overly active jw wife, who refuses to discuss any point whatsoever.
a friend who is not a jw nor has ever been a jw; he studied for a few months, then realized what an evil cult it is and stopped.
@Giodano- Thanks! I know we don't see eye-to-eye on other things but we have a common enemy that needs to be brought to justice! Pass this on if you can! The more signatures the better!